The Historical Society of Topsail (HSTI) would like to invite you to join or renew your HSTI membership today for the
2024-2025 fiscal year.

All funds raised during our membership drive will help support:

  • Operating expenses for the Historic Assembly Building
  • Operating expenses and a new exhibit for the Missiles & More Museum
  • Annual Scholarship program
  • Educational outreach Aquarium Program presented by the NC Aquarium at Fort Fisher
  • Monthly Luncheon and Lecture Series
  • Discount for the Assembly Building rentals (restrictions apply)

Updates for all these events can be found on our website, Facebook pages and Instagram.

Please help us fulfill our mission! Join or renew your membership with the Historical Society of Topsail Island today. By renewing now, your membership will be good until May 31, 2025.

Why should I become a member?

Your annual membership keeps our mission alive!

HSTI is dedicated to the collection, preservation and promotion of the history of the Greater Topsail Island area.  Our educational programs, luncheon speakers and Ft. Fisher Aquarium Outreach, etc., are made possible with your membership.

Help us ensure the longevity of the Historical Society of Topsail Island.

Join HSTI today!

Membership Payments

To pay with credit or debit card, submit the completed application which will take you to the PayPal page.

If you would like to become a member using the mail in form and a check, click the button below to open the form.

Membership Application Form


Please Choose One(Required)

Would you like to double your donation? Does your company have a charitable giving?
Or matching gift program? Contact your HR department; even if you are retired!!

I wish to serve as a volunteer for the Historical Society on the following Committee(s):

Payment Method