Bumblebee Buzz May 2019
Preserving the Past, Enjoying the Present, Building the Future.
A Note From The President

Volunteers in Action #HSTIStrong
A few of our outstanding Bingo! 2018 Volunteers. Bingo! begins June 13th–Join this fun-loving team!

PEP 2019 HSTI Spelling Bee team
Gaylene Branton, Betsy Johnson, Edna Smith & Steve Smith

April 15, 2019~ Missiles and More Museum Ribbon Cutting Ceremony. Pictured above are representatives from Topsail Chamber of Commerce, Town of Topsail Beach, HSTI Board, and museum docents.
Photo by Irene Lambert.
Volunteer Today!
Museum: We need more than docents-good at organization, accounting, technology?? contact Rose Peters Volunteer in the Museum!
BINGO!: Join the Fun on those hot summer Thursday Nights!! No experience necessary. Need help in concession and card sales, accounting and technology!! Contact Barry Newsome: Volunteer for BINGO!
Aquarium Program: Fun for all ages but it’s all about the kids! Come out and see the aquatic world through the eye of a child! Contact Virginia Teachey: Volunteer for Aquarium Program!
Autumn with Topsail: Arts, Food, & Beach Music! Critical need: Silent Auction Manager-no solicitation! Be available October 19 and 20. Contact Rick Stidley: Volunteer for Autumn with Topsail!
Luncheons and Lecture Series: Delicious food, great speakers and friendly fellowship! Want to meet new people, can you make change, how do you feel about taking out the trash? We need you! Contact Gaylene Branton Volunteer for the Luncheons!
Autumn with Topsail wins award!!
During the Annual Eastern NC Coast Host meeting, May 2nd, Pender County Tourism recognized their award winning festivals and events. So here’s to Historical Society of Topsail Island ‘s Autumn With Topsail, Poplar Grove Plantation’s Paranormal Investigation Tours, the NC Bacon Festival, Air-play events, Olivia Dawson, Topsail Island Jeep Week, Moores Creek National Battlefield’s Anniversary Reenactment, the Ocean City Jazz Festival, the Town of Burgaw, Art Beat, Pender County Historical Society, Pender County Public Library, the Pender High drama dept. and our special events partner Pender County Parks and Recreation. Photo provided by Pender County Tourism.